Online giving

Your gift supports gospel work in Mosman and beyond

Give online

Via debit or credit card

General offertories

Gifts given towards our general offertories support the overall ministry and mission work of our church including Sunday services, Village Kids, Village Youth and more.

Mission partners

Our mission budget currently supports 4 mission partners who do important work around the world:

  • India Gospel League

  • Sally B (Pioneers)

  • James & Britt Daymond (Bush Church Aid)

  • St Barnabas Ingleburn

Give via bank transfer

You can give a one-off or recurring gift to Mosman Village Church using your bank’s mobile app or online banking platform.

General fund

Gifts given to this account support the overall ministry and mission work of Mosman Village Church.

Mosman Village Church
BSB 062-207
Acc. 1003 3661

Free this Sunday? 👋

You’re invited to church this Sunday at 8am, 10am or 5:30pm